DiscoDeb at the Roaches

Roaches – Circular Walk (20th April 2018)

Summer decided to fleetingly appear for this weekend in April and DiscoDeb and I decided to maximize our walking whilst getting a healthy dose of Vitamin-D. The Roaches beckoned again but this time we went a route we hadn’t been before.

Parked up below the gate at the front of the Roaches entrance and headed up towards the Rockhill cottage but taking a right before arriving there. This takes us around the back of the Roaches and we followed a rough sheep path that hugged the stone wall.

The sun was beginning to set and we had moments of shade and a drop in temperature as we meandered up the gentle slope. The going was quite firm until we came to a gate that we climbed over to enter a private road / drive. An immediate left led to a stile but it was very very boggy so we turned back and followed the road down to a cattle grid which in turn joined the main road that carries on from Roach End.

We took a left here and followed the windy road up to Roach End. As we turned the last bend and looked down to where ‘Chilly Tilly’ usually parks there is a signpost to your left that takes you up on to the Roaches, so we clambered up the path.

The ‘Golden Hour’ was now upon us and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky (a photographers dream!).

We were now on the usual path along the crest of the Roaches and the views were indeed magnificent. The air was crisp but very still. Enjoy the photos below. Thanks

Roaches - Circular Walk
Roaches – Circular Walk
Front of the Roaches
Front of the Roaches

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